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How To Keep Up Your Self-Confidence When You’re Dating Casually

As far as casual dating goes, having a strong degree of self-confidence is imperative to do it successfully. After all, you’re never going to get close enough to anyone else for someone to know how to compliment you to make you feel better. That’s your own job, friend! You’ve got to look out for #1 in all situations and feel like you have what it takes to keep going for your own self, not for anyone else.

Self-Confidence1If you find that your self-confidence is starting to lag a little, you’ll probably wind up in one of two scenarios. One possibility is that if you have a casual relationship currently going on, then you’ll have a strong desire to latch onto that other person to seek some sort of validation for who you are. Maybe that other person is into that and you both can start a more serious relationship, or seosmart maybe that other person is a more committed casual dater than you and will start to feel suffocated by your very presence and drop you as soon as he or she gets the chance. Be careful about putting too much cling in your fling. It can ruin the good times.

The other possibility, especially if you happen to be without a date at the time that your self-confidence starts to lag, is that you’ll fall into a downward spiral of pathos and get more and more undatable. This could be an incredibly dangerous situation, and we here at the InternetDatingIndex take such a threat very seriously. If you catch yourself starting to sink into a pit of unattractiveness in which it becomes increasingly difficult for you to find a date, then you’ll need a strong shot of self-confidence delivered to you pronto.

Here are a few tricks of the dating trade that should work to make you the best casual dater out there:

1. Fake It

You know that annoying expression: “Just turn that frown upside-down”? Sure, it’s as irritating as all hell and probably makes you want to punch the person saying it, but there’s actually some scientific truth to it. By pretending that we’re happy, we can actually trick our brains into believing that we’re really happy.Businesspeople standing one after another

The same principle works for self-confidence. If you act like a superstar, even if you don’t feel like one, pretty soon you’ll be one in spite of yourself. The weird secret about emotions is that we do not only project the way we truly feel outward, but even if you’re trying to hide it, people around you are picking up on small subconscious cues in your behavior which they will apply in relating back to you. So basically, even if you’re not asking people not to talk to you, if you’re feeling like you don’t want anyone to talk to you, you’ll radiate that vibe outwardly and people will avoid you even if they don’t know it either.

Thankfully this works in reverse as well. So if you can do your best to be an actor and pretend that you think that you’re king of the world, you’ll be able to convince enough people around you that that is indeed the truth and they’ll treat you appropriately. This creates a feedback loop in which you’ll pick up on how other people are treating you better and that builds your own sense of self-confidence. Pretty soon you’re not really acting anymore and you have genuine self-confidence.

2. Affirmations

This is a little like #1, but you can do it without any help from anyone. Before heading out of your house in the morning. Look in the mirror and say five nice things about yourself that you wish were true. “I am the greatest, most successful person in the world.”, “I am so hot that girls cannot keep their hands off of me.” Something like that. Sure it might not really be true just yet, but it really works.

This isn’t exactly some New Age-y hocus pocus. Our subconscious brains can be easily tricked. Just as in the principle of faking it, where other people will start treating you well so that you will start to believe it. Even your mirror image telling you how awesome you are is a little like getting a compliment from someone else. Especially if that compliment is coming from someone as handsome as that person in the mirror!

 3. It’s The End Of The World

Let’s say it’s the end of the world. Hellfire is raining all around you. Sure you’re going to do your best to find some shelter to hopefully extend your sad life a little longer before your inevitable demise, but it’s going to happen sooner rather than later. Or lets say you just got back from the doctor and he tells you that you have three more days to live. That’s pretty terrible news and it’s time to get your affairs in order, but it’s also time to do something you’ve always wanted to do but have always felt a little too scared. Do you really have time to be coy around that girl that you’d always have loved to sleep with. Wouldn’t she be more likely to sleep with you if she got that vibe buy synthetic drugs online, what products are in viagra. that you no longer have a care in the world?

Now hopefully none of these scenarios are literally true for you, but if you can imagine that they are, wouldn’t you do your best to do what you always wanted and damn the consequences? If you can kindle that feeling when you’re in a situation that requires a boost of self-confidence then you can carpe that diem and actually get some shit done. Please don’t lie to anyone and say that you’re terminally ill if you really aren’t, but say it to yourself so that you can quell that inner voice of self-doubt and you’ll grab the world by the horns.

Making It All Work For You

If you’re the person in the room that exudes the most self-confidence, it will show and can only help your odds with finding a date. Sure, occasionally you might get slapped in the face if you come on to strong to the wrong person, but a superstar like you can handle a little rejection now and then. And sooner or later you’ll find that people gravitate to you more than you have to seek out them. You hold the most metaphoric weight with the strength of your personality and everyone who sees you will either want to be you or fuck you. Preferably the latter!

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