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How To Painlessly End A Casual Dating Relationship

Casual dating is great for a lot of reasons. The headache and the heartache that often is dragged along with long-term relationships just isn’t there. Casual dating is focussed on fun and good times. There’s never any obligation to meet her parents or an expectation to call a certain amount of times a week. So why would anyone ever want to end this amazing, burden-free style of relationship?

dv1642024In reality, there can be lots of reasons why a casual partner no longer works out. Maybe the sex isn’t very good, or maybe the sex is great but the conversation afterwards makes you want to gouge your own eyes out. Maybe she doesn’t think that you’re in a casual relationship and she wants to take it to seo another level. Whenever something like this happens, it might be time to leave her by the wayside and seek greener pastures. If you’re in this situation, you should do whatever you can to end it painlessly, since any relationship, even casual ones, can turn into a hellscape if you’re not careful.

1. Just Say No

No, I’m not paraphrasing Nancy Reagan. If it’s a truly mutual casual dating relationship, simply letting her know that you’re no longer interested might be enough to let it be. A true casual relationship should be as easy come as it is easy go. If it isn’t, then you’re headed for more problems.

The main point here, though, is you should have enough human decency to say something. If you’re uncomfortable with breakups and think that the relationship was casual enough for you to just simply stop responding to her texts or stop answering your phone, then you’re behaving like a coward. Cutting off communication completely is something you only should do in extremely terrible situations (if she turns out to be an insane stalker, for instance), and even then you need to preface that with a warning that communication is going to stop. By just ending all communication with a casual partner is rude and childish. She might think that you’re dead or joined a cult.

So the best and simplest way to end a casual relationship might be to just send an email or a text saying, thanks but no thanks. We were good together for a while but I don’t think that we’re that compatible. End of story.

2. Gradually Withdraw

You might be dating someone casually enough that you mostly communicate with the occasional text or email. There might be a few easy hookups in there but nothing that you need to call an actual relationship. With this type of casual dating, you might be able to just gradually pull back. Don’t answer her texts back immediately. If she suggests a meet-up, say that you’ve got other plans already that can’t be broken. Hopefully, if this is casual enough, she might get the hint and be cool with ending it as well. Soon enough both of you have moved on and that’s that. If you try this approach, you have to be sure that this is the type of relationship that you can do it with. Just make sure that you don’t break off communication completely (see above).

 3. You’ve Fallen Madly In Love

Just not with her. Let’s face it, this was a casual cialis from india online purchase, piroxicam. fling here, nothing too special. If she knows that too, then you could pretend that there’s someone else out there that you’re committing yourself to a serious exclusive relationship. This might work great, except if it’s actually a lie, she might figure you out and then you might get into trouble. Be prepared to have a friend be a stand-in for your soon-to-be wife just incase you need an extra alibi to this ruse. However, it could work great and you’ll never have to hear from Ms. Casual Sex ever again if you don’t want to.

4. The Hard Break-Up

Casual dating can be a tricky thing to do. There always has to be a clear-cut line as to what belongs in this relationship and what doesn’t. There’s always a danger of the lines blurring between an easy casual fling and a serious relationship. This is especially dangerous if you let the relationship last a little too long. Maybe you were actually kind of into her and she into you a little too much. If this is you, guess what: you’re no longer casually dating. This is a serious relationship and needs to be addressed appropriately. Not to say that you can’t end it painlessly, you just need to put a little more care into the process. Frankly, none of the above suggestions can really work here. It’s time for a serious conversation and be prepared for some tears or maybe worse. Remember to act like an adult and not act like she’s crazy for thinking that this relationship was anything more than just casual. Look at your own behavior throughout the relationship and if you did anything to lead her on into thinking that there was more than just casual sex going on, then you’ve got to shoulder a portion of the blame. If you can both be mature about things then there shouldn’t be much that you have to worry about though.

The trick to casual dating is not to let it get serious (unless that’s your actual aim, in which go ahead). If you catch your casual dating is getting a little bit too much and too frequent and that’s not what you have in mind for this relationship, it’s probably time to cut it off. Remember, timing here is everything. If you sense that things are getting more serious than your totally comfortable with, end it before it gets worse. If you’re afraid of being single and alone afterwards, there’s always another date around the corner.

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