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What Guys Hate About A Woman’s Dating Profile Pic

You’ve been on an online dating site for a few weeks now and you haven’t had much success. You think you’re doing everything right. You’ve read up on all the dating advice and online dating tips. You’ve reviewed your profile over and over again, and you think it looks great. You can read up on all the tricks of the trade when it comes to internet dating, but when it comes down to it, there is one single thing that is going to get you attention, get you a date, and get your success. And that things is the profile picture.stop-the-duck-face-before-its-too-late-6

When it comes to online dating, your profile pics aren’t everything, they are the ONLY thing. The profile picture is what grabs the attention of the member and it’s what leads them in the direction to find out more about you in your profile.

With that being said, in order to be successful with singles websites, you need to apply the best profile picking practices because there are a lot of things guys absolutely hate about profile pictures. So, make sure you stay away from doing any of the following:

Having less than two photos, or more than 7. Guys want to be able to get a good look at what you look like, but it’s not Facebook ladies. Upload a happy medium of 3-6 photos, that way you can showcase your good looks, without going overboard.

Think about it. If you only have one photo (or, god forbid no photos at all) it might mean that you got really lucky with how you look in that one particular shot under that particular lighting. When he meets you he might find that you actually look nothing like your photo and he’ll probably resent that. Likewise, lots and lots of photos clomid-for-men, buy levitra 20mg online. might mean that you care way too much about your appearance and might come across as shallow.

Having only face shots. If you only include face shots in your profile, it makes it seem like you’re hiding something. Guys don’t like being tricked. If you’ve got it flaunt it, it doesn’t matter what your body looks like. You might as well put it out there from the get-go to avoid any confusion.

Lots of men are pretty shallow creatures whom it matters what type of body you have. That being said, there aren’t really any body types that men find universally unattractive. Don’t be afraid that no one will like your body so you should keep that a secret for as long as possible (he’ll find out as soon as you meet him, anyhow). There’s a man out there to whom you have the perfect body, and that’s the man you’ll want to date anyhow.

Having only body shots. If there is not one picture of your face on your profile, that looks completely sketchy and no guy is ever going to message you. For similar reasons to the point about face shots above, it’s strange to only show your body. Maybe you’re embarrassed to be dating online in the first place. But anyone on the site who’s checking out your profile is in the same boat, so really what’s the problem? The face is where the personality is, and even in the world of casual adult dating, personality is a key aspect of attraction.

Looking different in every pic. Try to avoid adding pictures from 2001. Stick to current photos and ones where your hair cut, color, etc is similar. Having a whole bunch of different looking pictures can really throw someone off. Maybe you looked amazing at that turn of the millennium party, but you’re looking for a date now, not then. Contemporary pictures only, please!

Group shots with people who are less attractive than you. Guys will be able to see right through this trick and it’s not going to work, so don’t even bother with this strategy. Also, why are all of your friends so ugly? Are you that insecure about your appearance that you will only be seen around people that are significantly less attractive than you? If you’re the only fit person amongst all of your overweight friends, be aware that there’s a scientifically proven statistic that says that people tend to conform to the weight levels of their peers. So even if you think that you’re a shining example of fitness to all of your fat friends, they’re probably just as likely subconsciously influencing your own weight gain.

Pics with another dude. Guys are jealous, they don’t want to see you happily posing with another dude. They will instantly be turned off. Who is that other dude? Your boyfriend? You look awfully happy to be with him. Maybe he makes you happy and you should be with him. Not to say that all guys are straightforwardly this idiotic, but why bother hedging your bets?

Selfies and duck faces. A few selfies are fine, no problem! But don’t make all your profile pics selfie shots. Guys want to see you in a natural environment and not in a selfie shot with a Instagram filter. Of course you’ll want your pictures to look just right and you may not be satisfied with any shots that anyone else takes. But looking natural in unposed shots are crucial to get a feeling for what you might really be like and that’s what guys are trying to assess when looking at your profile.

imagesAs far as duck faces go, is there any pose less attractive? I suppose that the logic is that it makes your face narrower and your lips fuller, but in 99% of cases it makes you look like you sucked on a lemon too hard or that you might talk with a lisp and throw tantrums like any number of famous cartoon ducks that I could think of. No one wants to date that, so what are you doing. Really, if you can’t see t that that’s not attractive, then I don’t know how to help you.


What are some other definite no-no’s for profile pictures that you’ve seen when online dating?

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